Well, it's been awhile since I've posted anything up here. Truth is, it's been pretty busy...work, family, training; add to all of that I started taking college classes again, and my plate has been pretty full. But, I'm back. I'm going to try and stay consistent here and post at least twice a month. I don't think that's unrealistic, right?
So my training for my upcoming race, Leona Divide 50k has been going pretty great. Matter of fact, I guess it's almost over at this point. About 2 more weeks then it's time to start tapering. Great news, is that I've managed to get out and run in some new areas recently, and it's really stoked my fire.
1. Palm Desert, California. There are a whole series of trail systems down there (it's about an hour away), and being right at the base of the San Jacinto and San Bernandino Mountain ranges, there is some serious vertical to be had if you want. Last time I was out there, I did a 10 mile run, with over 2k feet of vert. Not to shabby. I've got plans for another run/hike in that area with twice the distance and 5x the vertical, but I'll hold off on that one until after this first race of the season is complete.
2. Right out of my front door. Well, not right out, but after about a mile or so of some pavement, then I hit some dirt (or sand, rather). There's a nice little series of single track trails in the ridgeline behind my house. It can get pretty brutal terrain and technicality wise (it's all lava rock, and yes, it hurts to fall on), but the vertical is not too serious. There's definitely some grunty climbs, and a few sketchy decents just due to loose rock, but I would say on the average 6-7 miler in that area, you get about 12-1500 feet of vertical. I'll take it for being less than a mile from my house.
3. Pacific Crest Trail. The other day, I ran a section of the PCT with a buddy. A fairly simple 10 miler, doing an out-and-back from the Palm to Pine Highway. It's amazing out there. And being at about 2500+ feet higher than where I am now, the weather was significantly cooler. I've got a feeling when things heat up this summer, I'll be doing many of my longer runs at higher elevations, and that's definitely on my list.
4. The beach. I've been spending alot of time in the greater San Diego area for work lately, so I've taken that opportunity to run on the beach. No hills, no gnar, just simple beach. I still love the simple runs; the relaxation of it, the smell of the ocean, and the constant perfect breeze. I do love running on the beach, especially in the early morning.
I plan on doing some more runs with friends coming up, and I need to remember to bring my camera along to get some pictures to post. I've got a few epic adventures planned for the coming months, and I plan to share them. I also need to post up some of my reviews on some new gear I've been wearing (shoes, especially).
As for now, that's all I've got.
In the meantime....Keep running!